Thursday, 15 September 2011

Ex-RCC Eh?

You think you have "escaped" the RCC? If you're a "Trinitarian", all your beliefs and traditions come directly from the RCC/EOGC. The Lutherans still recite the "Apostles' Creed", which in one part states, "I believe in the holy catholic church...". The creed itself has nothing do to with the Apostles as it wasn't created until at least the 2nd Century...maybe as late as the 9th. You are all daughters of the RCC, forever connected.  

Sure, you've dropped the pope thing, do you even know why? You don't call clergy "Father" well, that's good. You don't pray to saints, that's don't venerate Mary anymore, cool. You believe divorce is ok? At least the RCC has that right. Women clergy? By the way, where is the word clergy in the Scriptures? First known use wasn't until the 13th Century. Men taught by men taught by men taught by men who have twisted the Scriptures for millennia. How many different versions of the "Trinity" are out there? The RCC and the EOGC broke fellowship because they couldn't agree on the "Filioque", or how the "trinity" came to be, even then, when this whole scam was invented, Trinitarians couldn't make up their minds on this false doctrine of "three gods in one" or "three persons in one". Christmas (Christ's Mass), Easter (Oester), Halloween (All Saint's Day), Valentine's Day...all brought in to the RCC because they wanted their new members to keep their individual identity yet still be "Christian", yet Paul tells us we are to be of one mind, likeminded, no, not robots, but certainly not so lost we allow other faiths to influence the truth in such a way we go directly against the word of God.

Do you know who Arius and Athanasius were, do you know why Constantine, who wasn't even a Christian (yet has been sainted...?) accepted the philosophical (Platonic), Gnostic, mystical reinterpretation of God? Had true men of God stood up against him this false doctrine wouldn't be here, yet men will be men. Mankind has twisted the Scriptures for millennia and are still doing it today.
It's up to you, no one else, to find out who God truly is, but I will say this...there is but one God, Jesus. Yes, Jesus. God manifest Himself in the flesh (I Tim 3:16), a blatant statement by Paul to let us know Jesus was 100% MAN AND 100% God, there is no mystery to God, godliness is the mystery, how the hypostasis of God and man happened. All we have to know is the truth though. Jesus is God, our great God and Saviour. We must be holy or we will not see Him (Heb 12:14), we must repent, be baptized in Jesus' name and receive the Holy Ghost (Luke 24:45-49, Acts 2:38), and we must endure until the end (Matt 24:13, Mark 13:13).

What I say and write I do so in love, not the guise of love,  but true love for all mankind. Being born again is not just accepting Jesus as your personal Saviour, we must obey the Gospel of Jesus Messieh (what happens to those who do not obey the Gospel? Read it here --> II Thessalonians 1:8-10). You think you're born again? Think again...Jesus put it clear for all to see, yet so many do not understand; a man (i.e. adult) must be born again of water AND spirit (John 3:5)...a baby or young child cannot understand the ramifications of sin, or what repentance and remission of sins mean. We came into this world a sinner, we have to born again into His kingdom, it's that simple.

You want to know the true, living God? Get rid of all your preconceived ideas you have learned from men, seek Him, truly, asking Him to reveal Himself unto you. As long as you keep your eyes closed and ears shut, He has no obligation to show you anything. May you all be blessed and find our great God and Saviour, Jesus Messieh.

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